Now You’re On The Beat

We ride to the beat of the music.

For 45 minutes we chase the beat around a dark room while riding a stationary bike that “goes nowhere.”

We catch it. Fall under it. Dig into it.

The beat drives us. Guides us. Focuses our minds.

It challenges us to go faster, push harder.

It might make us question ourselves. Can I do this? Yes, you can. Because failure doesn’t exist here. You showed up? You already won.

So now you’re on the beat. Where do you go from here?

You fight to stay on it. One more second. Push to the edge.

And when the 45 minutes is over, you realize that stationary bike goes more places you ever thought possible. After that journey, you can accomplish anything.

You’re indestructible. And it’s all because of the beat.

Don’t miss an opportunity to be better.

Don’t miss a moment of growth.

Don’t miss a beat.

Love you, Mean it!



Quench - Shoals Spotlight Series